\(\int \frac {(1-2 x)^{5/2}}{(2+3 x)^2 (3+5 x)^2} \, dx\) [1986]

   Optimal result
   Rubi [A] (verified)
   Mathematica [A] (verified)
   Maple [A] (verified)
   Fricas [A] (verification not implemented)
   Sympy [A] (verification not implemented)
   Maxima [A] (verification not implemented)
   Giac [A] (verification not implemented)
   Mupad [B] (verification not implemented)

Optimal result

Integrand size = 24, antiderivative size = 106 \[ \int \frac {(1-2 x)^{5/2}}{(2+3 x)^2 (3+5 x)^2} \, dx=-\frac {748 \sqrt {1-2 x}}{15 (3+5 x)}+\frac {7 (1-2 x)^{3/2}}{3 (2+3 x) (3+5 x)}-\frac {910}{3} \sqrt {\frac {7}{3}} \text {arctanh}\left (\sqrt {\frac {3}{7}} \sqrt {1-2 x}\right )+\frac {1562}{5} \sqrt {\frac {11}{5}} \text {arctanh}\left (\sqrt {\frac {5}{11}} \sqrt {1-2 x}\right ) \]



Rubi [A] (verified)

Time = 0.03 (sec) , antiderivative size = 106, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.00, number of steps used = 7, number of rules used = 5, \(\frac {\text {number of rules}}{\text {integrand size}}\) = 0.208, Rules used = {100, 154, 162, 65, 212} \[ \int \frac {(1-2 x)^{5/2}}{(2+3 x)^2 (3+5 x)^2} \, dx=-\frac {910}{3} \sqrt {\frac {7}{3}} \text {arctanh}\left (\sqrt {\frac {3}{7}} \sqrt {1-2 x}\right )+\frac {1562}{5} \sqrt {\frac {11}{5}} \text {arctanh}\left (\sqrt {\frac {5}{11}} \sqrt {1-2 x}\right )+\frac {7 (1-2 x)^{3/2}}{3 (3 x+2) (5 x+3)}-\frac {748 \sqrt {1-2 x}}{15 (5 x+3)} \]


Int[(1 - 2*x)^(5/2)/((2 + 3*x)^2*(3 + 5*x)^2),x]


(-748*Sqrt[1 - 2*x])/(15*(3 + 5*x)) + (7*(1 - 2*x)^(3/2))/(3*(2 + 3*x)*(3 + 5*x)) - (910*Sqrt[7/3]*ArcTanh[Sqr
t[3/7]*Sqrt[1 - 2*x]])/3 + (1562*Sqrt[11/5]*ArcTanh[Sqrt[5/11]*Sqrt[1 - 2*x]])/5

Rule 65

Int[((a_.) + (b_.)*(x_))^(m_)*((c_.) + (d_.)*(x_))^(n_), x_Symbol] :> With[{p = Denominator[m]}, Dist[p/b, Sub
st[Int[x^(p*(m + 1) - 1)*(c - a*(d/b) + d*(x^p/b))^n, x], x, (a + b*x)^(1/p)], x]] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d}, x] &
& NeQ[b*c - a*d, 0] && LtQ[-1, m, 0] && LeQ[-1, n, 0] && LeQ[Denominator[n], Denominator[m]] && IntLinearQ[a,
b, c, d, m, n, x]

Rule 100

Int[((a_.) + (b_.)*(x_))^(m_)*((c_.) + (d_.)*(x_))^(n_.)*((e_.) + (f_.)*(x_))^(p_.), x_Symbol] :> Simp[(b*c -
a*d)*(a + b*x)^(m + 1)*(c + d*x)^(n - 1)*((e + f*x)^(p + 1)/(b*(b*e - a*f)*(m + 1))), x] + Dist[1/(b*(b*e - a*
f)*(m + 1)), Int[(a + b*x)^(m + 1)*(c + d*x)^(n - 2)*(e + f*x)^p*Simp[a*d*(d*e*(n - 1) + c*f*(p + 1)) + b*c*(d
*e*(m - n + 2) - c*f*(m + p + 2)) + d*(a*d*f*(n + p) + b*(d*e*(m + 1) - c*f*(m + n + p + 1)))*x, x], x], x] /;
 FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e, f, p}, x] && LtQ[m, -1] && GtQ[n, 1] && (IntegersQ[2*m, 2*n, 2*p] || IntegersQ[m, n + p
] || IntegersQ[p, m + n])

Rule 154

Int[((a_.) + (b_.)*(x_))^(m_)*((c_.) + (d_.)*(x_))^(n_)*((e_.) + (f_.)*(x_))^(p_)*((g_.) + (h_.)*(x_)), x_Symb
ol] :> Simp[(b*g - a*h)*(a + b*x)^(m + 1)*(c + d*x)^n*((e + f*x)^(p + 1)/(b*(b*e - a*f)*(m + 1))), x] - Dist[1
/(b*(b*e - a*f)*(m + 1)), Int[(a + b*x)^(m + 1)*(c + d*x)^(n - 1)*(e + f*x)^p*Simp[b*c*(f*g - e*h)*(m + 1) + (
b*g - a*h)*(d*e*n + c*f*(p + 1)) + d*(b*(f*g - e*h)*(m + 1) + f*(b*g - a*h)*(n + p + 1))*x, x], x], x] /; Free
Q[{a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, p}, x] && ILtQ[m, -1] && GtQ[n, 0]

Rule 162

Int[(((e_.) + (f_.)*(x_))^(p_)*((g_.) + (h_.)*(x_)))/(((a_.) + (b_.)*(x_))*((c_.) + (d_.)*(x_))), x_Symbol] :>
 Dist[(b*g - a*h)/(b*c - a*d), Int[(e + f*x)^p/(a + b*x), x], x] - Dist[(d*g - c*h)/(b*c - a*d), Int[(e + f*x)
^p/(c + d*x), x], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}, x]

Rule 212

Int[((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^2)^(-1), x_Symbol] :> Simp[(1/(Rt[a, 2]*Rt[-b, 2]))*ArcTanh[Rt[-b, 2]*(x/Rt[a, 2])], x]
 /; FreeQ[{a, b}, x] && NegQ[a/b] && (GtQ[a, 0] || LtQ[b, 0])

Rubi steps \begin{align*} \text {integral}& = \frac {7 (1-2 x)^{3/2}}{3 (2+3 x) (3+5 x)}+\frac {1}{3} \int \frac {(131-31 x) \sqrt {1-2 x}}{(2+3 x) (3+5 x)^2} \, dx \\ & = -\frac {748 \sqrt {1-2 x}}{15 (3+5 x)}+\frac {7 (1-2 x)^{3/2}}{3 (2+3 x) (3+5 x)}+\frac {1}{15} \int \frac {-3771+2306 x}{\sqrt {1-2 x} (2+3 x) (3+5 x)} \, dx \\ & = -\frac {748 \sqrt {1-2 x}}{15 (3+5 x)}+\frac {7 (1-2 x)^{3/2}}{3 (2+3 x) (3+5 x)}+\frac {3185}{3} \int \frac {1}{\sqrt {1-2 x} (2+3 x)} \, dx-\frac {8591}{5} \int \frac {1}{\sqrt {1-2 x} (3+5 x)} \, dx \\ & = -\frac {748 \sqrt {1-2 x}}{15 (3+5 x)}+\frac {7 (1-2 x)^{3/2}}{3 (2+3 x) (3+5 x)}-\frac {3185}{3} \text {Subst}\left (\int \frac {1}{\frac {7}{2}-\frac {3 x^2}{2}} \, dx,x,\sqrt {1-2 x}\right )+\frac {8591}{5} \text {Subst}\left (\int \frac {1}{\frac {11}{2}-\frac {5 x^2}{2}} \, dx,x,\sqrt {1-2 x}\right ) \\ & = -\frac {748 \sqrt {1-2 x}}{15 (3+5 x)}+\frac {7 (1-2 x)^{3/2}}{3 (2+3 x) (3+5 x)}-\frac {910}{3} \sqrt {\frac {7}{3}} \tanh ^{-1}\left (\sqrt {\frac {3}{7}} \sqrt {1-2 x}\right )+\frac {1562}{5} \sqrt {\frac {11}{5}} \tanh ^{-1}\left (\sqrt {\frac {5}{11}} \sqrt {1-2 x}\right ) \\ \end{align*}

Mathematica [A] (verified)

Time = 0.21 (sec) , antiderivative size = 83, normalized size of antiderivative = 0.78 \[ \int \frac {(1-2 x)^{5/2}}{(2+3 x)^2 (3+5 x)^2} \, dx=\frac {2}{225} \left (-\frac {15 \sqrt {1-2 x} (1461+2314 x)}{12+38 x+30 x^2}-11375 \sqrt {21} \text {arctanh}\left (\sqrt {\frac {3}{7}} \sqrt {1-2 x}\right )+7029 \sqrt {55} \text {arctanh}\left (\sqrt {\frac {5}{11}} \sqrt {1-2 x}\right )\right ) \]


Integrate[(1 - 2*x)^(5/2)/((2 + 3*x)^2*(3 + 5*x)^2),x]


(2*((-15*Sqrt[1 - 2*x]*(1461 + 2314*x))/(12 + 38*x + 30*x^2) - 11375*Sqrt[21]*ArcTanh[Sqrt[3/7]*Sqrt[1 - 2*x]]
 + 7029*Sqrt[55]*ArcTanh[Sqrt[5/11]*Sqrt[1 - 2*x]]))/225

Maple [A] (verified)

Time = 3.29 (sec) , antiderivative size = 69, normalized size of antiderivative = 0.65

method result size
risch \(\frac {\left (1461+2314 x \right ) \left (-1+2 x \right )}{15 \left (15 x^{2}+19 x +6\right ) \sqrt {1-2 x}}-\frac {910 \,\operatorname {arctanh}\left (\frac {\sqrt {21}\, \sqrt {1-2 x}}{7}\right ) \sqrt {21}}{9}+\frac {1562 \,\operatorname {arctanh}\left (\frac {\sqrt {55}\, \sqrt {1-2 x}}{11}\right ) \sqrt {55}}{25}\) \(69\)
derivativedivides \(\frac {242 \sqrt {1-2 x}}{25 \left (-\frac {6}{5}-2 x \right )}+\frac {1562 \,\operatorname {arctanh}\left (\frac {\sqrt {55}\, \sqrt {1-2 x}}{11}\right ) \sqrt {55}}{25}+\frac {98 \sqrt {1-2 x}}{9 \left (-\frac {4}{3}-2 x \right )}-\frac {910 \,\operatorname {arctanh}\left (\frac {\sqrt {21}\, \sqrt {1-2 x}}{7}\right ) \sqrt {21}}{9}\) \(70\)
default \(\frac {242 \sqrt {1-2 x}}{25 \left (-\frac {6}{5}-2 x \right )}+\frac {1562 \,\operatorname {arctanh}\left (\frac {\sqrt {55}\, \sqrt {1-2 x}}{11}\right ) \sqrt {55}}{25}+\frac {98 \sqrt {1-2 x}}{9 \left (-\frac {4}{3}-2 x \right )}-\frac {910 \,\operatorname {arctanh}\left (\frac {\sqrt {21}\, \sqrt {1-2 x}}{7}\right ) \sqrt {21}}{9}\) \(70\)
pseudoelliptic \(\frac {-22750 \,\operatorname {arctanh}\left (\frac {\sqrt {21}\, \sqrt {1-2 x}}{7}\right ) \left (15 x^{2}+19 x +6\right ) \sqrt {21}+14058 \,\operatorname {arctanh}\left (\frac {\sqrt {55}\, \sqrt {1-2 x}}{11}\right ) \left (15 x^{2}+19 x +6\right ) \sqrt {55}-15 \sqrt {1-2 x}\, \left (1461+2314 x \right )}{3375 x^{2}+4275 x +1350}\) \(85\)
trager \(-\frac {\left (1461+2314 x \right ) \sqrt {1-2 x}}{15 \left (15 x^{2}+19 x +6\right )}-\frac {455 \operatorname {RootOf}\left (\textit {\_Z}^{2}-21\right ) \ln \left (\frac {-3 \operatorname {RootOf}\left (\textit {\_Z}^{2}-21\right ) x +21 \sqrt {1-2 x}+5 \operatorname {RootOf}\left (\textit {\_Z}^{2}-21\right )}{2+3 x}\right )}{9}-\frac {781 \operatorname {RootOf}\left (\textit {\_Z}^{2}-55\right ) \ln \left (\frac {5 \operatorname {RootOf}\left (\textit {\_Z}^{2}-55\right ) x +55 \sqrt {1-2 x}-8 \operatorname {RootOf}\left (\textit {\_Z}^{2}-55\right )}{3+5 x}\right )}{25}\) \(116\)





Fricas [A] (verification not implemented)


Time = 0.23 (sec) , antiderivative size = 122, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.15 \[ \int \frac {(1-2 x)^{5/2}}{(2+3 x)^2 (3+5 x)^2} \, dx=\frac {7029 \, \sqrt {11} \sqrt {5} {\left (15 \, x^{2} + 19 \, x + 6\right )} \log \left (-\frac {\sqrt {11} \sqrt {5} \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1} - 5 \, x + 8}{5 \, x + 3}\right ) + 11375 \, \sqrt {7} \sqrt {3} {\left (15 \, x^{2} + 19 \, x + 6\right )} \log \left (\frac {\sqrt {7} \sqrt {3} \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1} + 3 \, x - 5}{3 \, x + 2}\right ) - 15 \, {\left (2314 \, x + 1461\right )} \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1}}{225 \, {\left (15 \, x^{2} + 19 \, x + 6\right )}} \]


integrate((1-2*x)^(5/2)/(2+3*x)^2/(3+5*x)^2,x, algorithm="fricas")


1/225*(7029*sqrt(11)*sqrt(5)*(15*x^2 + 19*x + 6)*log(-(sqrt(11)*sqrt(5)*sqrt(-2*x + 1) - 5*x + 8)/(5*x + 3)) +
 11375*sqrt(7)*sqrt(3)*(15*x^2 + 19*x + 6)*log((sqrt(7)*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-2*x + 1) + 3*x - 5)/(3*x + 2)) - 15*(231
4*x + 1461)*sqrt(-2*x + 1))/(15*x^2 + 19*x + 6)

Sympy [A] (verification not implemented)

Time = 26.76 (sec) , antiderivative size = 325, normalized size of antiderivative = 3.07 \[ \int \frac {(1-2 x)^{5/2}}{(2+3 x)^2 (3+5 x)^2} \, dx=\frac {448 \sqrt {21} \left (\log {\left (\sqrt {1 - 2 x} - \frac {\sqrt {21}}{3} \right )} - \log {\left (\sqrt {1 - 2 x} + \frac {\sqrt {21}}{3} \right )}\right )}{9} - \frac {792 \sqrt {55} \left (\log {\left (\sqrt {1 - 2 x} - \frac {\sqrt {55}}{5} \right )} - \log {\left (\sqrt {1 - 2 x} + \frac {\sqrt {55}}{5} \right )}\right )}{25} - \frac {1372 \left (\begin {cases} \frac {\sqrt {21} \left (- \frac {\log {\left (\frac {\sqrt {21} \sqrt {1 - 2 x}}{7} - 1 \right )}}{4} + \frac {\log {\left (\frac {\sqrt {21} \sqrt {1 - 2 x}}{7} + 1 \right )}}{4} - \frac {1}{4 \left (\frac {\sqrt {21} \sqrt {1 - 2 x}}{7} + 1\right )} - \frac {1}{4 \left (\frac {\sqrt {21} \sqrt {1 - 2 x}}{7} - 1\right )}\right )}{147} & \text {for}\: \sqrt {1 - 2 x} > - \frac {\sqrt {21}}{3} \wedge \sqrt {1 - 2 x} < \frac {\sqrt {21}}{3} \end {cases}\right )}{3} - \frac {5324 \left (\begin {cases} \frac {\sqrt {55} \left (- \frac {\log {\left (\frac {\sqrt {55} \sqrt {1 - 2 x}}{11} - 1 \right )}}{4} + \frac {\log {\left (\frac {\sqrt {55} \sqrt {1 - 2 x}}{11} + 1 \right )}}{4} - \frac {1}{4 \left (\frac {\sqrt {55} \sqrt {1 - 2 x}}{11} + 1\right )} - \frac {1}{4 \left (\frac {\sqrt {55} \sqrt {1 - 2 x}}{11} - 1\right )}\right )}{605} & \text {for}\: \sqrt {1 - 2 x} > - \frac {\sqrt {55}}{5} \wedge \sqrt {1 - 2 x} < \frac {\sqrt {55}}{5} \end {cases}\right )}{5} \]




448*sqrt(21)*(log(sqrt(1 - 2*x) - sqrt(21)/3) - log(sqrt(1 - 2*x) + sqrt(21)/3))/9 - 792*sqrt(55)*(log(sqrt(1
- 2*x) - sqrt(55)/5) - log(sqrt(1 - 2*x) + sqrt(55)/5))/25 - 1372*Piecewise((sqrt(21)*(-log(sqrt(21)*sqrt(1 -
2*x)/7 - 1)/4 + log(sqrt(21)*sqrt(1 - 2*x)/7 + 1)/4 - 1/(4*(sqrt(21)*sqrt(1 - 2*x)/7 + 1)) - 1/(4*(sqrt(21)*sq
rt(1 - 2*x)/7 - 1)))/147, (sqrt(1 - 2*x) > -sqrt(21)/3) & (sqrt(1 - 2*x) < sqrt(21)/3)))/3 - 5324*Piecewise((s
qrt(55)*(-log(sqrt(55)*sqrt(1 - 2*x)/11 - 1)/4 + log(sqrt(55)*sqrt(1 - 2*x)/11 + 1)/4 - 1/(4*(sqrt(55)*sqrt(1
- 2*x)/11 + 1)) - 1/(4*(sqrt(55)*sqrt(1 - 2*x)/11 - 1)))/605, (sqrt(1 - 2*x) > -sqrt(55)/5) & (sqrt(1 - 2*x) <

Maxima [A] (verification not implemented)


Time = 0.29 (sec) , antiderivative size = 110, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.04 \[ \int \frac {(1-2 x)^{5/2}}{(2+3 x)^2 (3+5 x)^2} \, dx=-\frac {781}{25} \, \sqrt {55} \log \left (-\frac {\sqrt {55} - 5 \, \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1}}{\sqrt {55} + 5 \, \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1}}\right ) + \frac {455}{9} \, \sqrt {21} \log \left (-\frac {\sqrt {21} - 3 \, \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1}}{\sqrt {21} + 3 \, \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1}}\right ) + \frac {4 \, {\left (1157 \, {\left (-2 \, x + 1\right )}^{\frac {3}{2}} - 2618 \, \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1}\right )}}{15 \, {\left (15 \, {\left (2 \, x - 1\right )}^{2} + 136 \, x + 9\right )}} \]


integrate((1-2*x)^(5/2)/(2+3*x)^2/(3+5*x)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


-781/25*sqrt(55)*log(-(sqrt(55) - 5*sqrt(-2*x + 1))/(sqrt(55) + 5*sqrt(-2*x + 1))) + 455/9*sqrt(21)*log(-(sqrt
(21) - 3*sqrt(-2*x + 1))/(sqrt(21) + 3*sqrt(-2*x + 1))) + 4/15*(1157*(-2*x + 1)^(3/2) - 2618*sqrt(-2*x + 1))/(
15*(2*x - 1)^2 + 136*x + 9)

Giac [A] (verification not implemented)


Time = 0.28 (sec) , antiderivative size = 116, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.09 \[ \int \frac {(1-2 x)^{5/2}}{(2+3 x)^2 (3+5 x)^2} \, dx=-\frac {781}{25} \, \sqrt {55} \log \left (\frac {{\left | -2 \, \sqrt {55} + 10 \, \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1} \right |}}{2 \, {\left (\sqrt {55} + 5 \, \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1}\right )}}\right ) + \frac {455}{9} \, \sqrt {21} \log \left (\frac {{\left | -2 \, \sqrt {21} + 6 \, \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1} \right |}}{2 \, {\left (\sqrt {21} + 3 \, \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1}\right )}}\right ) + \frac {4 \, {\left (1157 \, {\left (-2 \, x + 1\right )}^{\frac {3}{2}} - 2618 \, \sqrt {-2 \, x + 1}\right )}}{15 \, {\left (15 \, {\left (2 \, x - 1\right )}^{2} + 136 \, x + 9\right )}} \]


integrate((1-2*x)^(5/2)/(2+3*x)^2/(3+5*x)^2,x, algorithm="giac")


-781/25*sqrt(55)*log(1/2*abs(-2*sqrt(55) + 10*sqrt(-2*x + 1))/(sqrt(55) + 5*sqrt(-2*x + 1))) + 455/9*sqrt(21)*
log(1/2*abs(-2*sqrt(21) + 6*sqrt(-2*x + 1))/(sqrt(21) + 3*sqrt(-2*x + 1))) + 4/15*(1157*(-2*x + 1)^(3/2) - 261
8*sqrt(-2*x + 1))/(15*(2*x - 1)^2 + 136*x + 9)

Mupad [B] (verification not implemented)

Time = 0.11 (sec) , antiderivative size = 72, normalized size of antiderivative = 0.68 \[ \int \frac {(1-2 x)^{5/2}}{(2+3 x)^2 (3+5 x)^2} \, dx=\frac {1562\,\sqrt {55}\,\mathrm {atanh}\left (\frac {\sqrt {55}\,\sqrt {1-2\,x}}{11}\right )}{25}-\frac {910\,\sqrt {21}\,\mathrm {atanh}\left (\frac {\sqrt {21}\,\sqrt {1-2\,x}}{7}\right )}{9}-\frac {\frac {10472\,\sqrt {1-2\,x}}{225}-\frac {4628\,{\left (1-2\,x\right )}^{3/2}}{225}}{\frac {136\,x}{15}+{\left (2\,x-1\right )}^2+\frac {3}{5}} \]


int((1 - 2*x)^(5/2)/((3*x + 2)^2*(5*x + 3)^2),x)


(1562*55^(1/2)*atanh((55^(1/2)*(1 - 2*x)^(1/2))/11))/25 - (910*21^(1/2)*atanh((21^(1/2)*(1 - 2*x)^(1/2))/7))/9
 - ((10472*(1 - 2*x)^(1/2))/225 - (4628*(1 - 2*x)^(3/2))/225)/((136*x)/15 + (2*x - 1)^2 + 3/5)